25¢ Revere paying international surface rate

Census (click here)

Stampsjoann (click here)

Tony writes....

shows another remarkable item, a heavy less than three ounce international surface letter. Such a use is rarely if at all seen for the Liberty series. 1963 letter was mailed from Teheran, Iran to England. The first ounce was charged at an 11¢/ounce rate while each of two additional ounces were charged at a 7¢/oz rate, 25¢ total being due. As this cover illustrates, military post office mail to foreign countries had to be franked at U.S. foreign rates. I've never seen a three ounce international Liberty item before this, and it's even more special because it's a 25 cent solo.

Figure: Less than or equal to 3 ounce 1963 international surface letter from Teheran, Iran to England. The first ounce was charged at an 11¢/ounce rate while each of two additional ounces were charged at a 7¢/oz rate, 25¢ total paid.

(Click image for 300 dpi scan)

David Eeles replies.... Sorry I don't have a three-ounce international surface item, but I do have a six-ounce.  Nor is it a solo use.  But for a collector of little purple stamps: ten wet printing, ACL perfin, 3c Liberty sheet stamps is even better.  The rate was 8c for the first ounce plus 4c for each additional ounce (1 Nov 1953 - 31 Jul 1958), which is overpaid by 2c.  Click <here> for a 300 dpi image of the cover.

Ken Lawrence replies....         My interpretation of the attached scan (seen below), cover sent January 25 1962, San Francisco to Truk, Eastern Caroline Islands, U.S. Pacific Trust Territory, transited Agana, Guam, January 28:   seven times 7¢ per ounce air mail, 60¢ registry, 10¢ return receipt.

I welcome additional information. 

Census (click here)

Stampsjoann (click here)